Makerspaces are collaborative workshops where young people gain practical hands-on experience with new technologies and innovative processes to design and build projects. They provide a flexible environment where learning is made physical by applying science, technology, math, and creativity to solve problems and build things.
Kim Baars describes the learning taking place in Maker classes at Taupaki School. Kim talks about teachers and students working together in collaborative problem-solving, and the powerful differentiation taking place in the makerspace. (Filmed September 2015)
Julie McMahon shares how year nine students at St. Hilda's Collegiate School have used the creative side of electronics and programming to create e-textiles garments.
"Wherever making happens is a makerspace"
Burke, 2014
"Learning environments rich with possibilities, makerspaces serve as gathering points where communities of new and experienced makers connect to work on real and personally meaningful projects, informed by helpful mentors and expertise, using new technologies and traditional tools."
Having a makerspace is a perfect opportunity for whānau and community engagement
Because knowledge-sharing is at the heart of the maker movement, individual makers can draw on a wide range of expertise and human resources. No question is too simple. Encourage students to post on the relevant forums and contact the right experts for help with their projects. Even if your makerspace is in a repurposed shed on the edge of the school grounds, it will essentially be part of a broader community – a local and global culture of making.
For students involved in makerspace, this culture of sharing encourages making connections and working collaboratively with people relevant to their project goals.
A national network of people interested in community, new-digital literacy and/or making and learning in New Zealand.
Makerspace technology recommendations for businesses and classrooms.
Once you've established your makerspace, sign up to to join the Makerspace list and connect with makers around the world.
Stephen Lethbridge (former principal at Taupaki School) talks about how they initially implemented maker culture at Taupaki School. He outlines the importantance of having involvement and support from the board and teachers. Stephen explains some of the barriers schools might face and what they can do to overcome them. (Filmed September 2015)
Makerspaces around the world are part of a growing movement of hands-on, mentor-led learning environments that celebrate grass roots innovation and DIY (Do-it-yourself) culture. At the core of the the maker movement is the notion that we aren't just passive consumers of new technologies – we can be producers too.
The cultural epicentre of the maker movement is the Maker Faire – an all-ages gathering for hobbyists, educators, students, designers, tech-enthusiasts, artists, and engineers to show-and-tell their latest DIY projects and innovations. The first maker faires were organised by Make Magazine , the defining publication of the maker movement in the US, but local maker communities have since popped up all over the world. Makers tend to stay connected through online community spaces and social media, as well as through their local makerspaces.
A guiding principal of maker culture is sharing. This includes sharing of knowledge and technologies; tools and materials; techniques, skills, and ideas; and more importantly – the projects created in makerspaces.
1 Maker Media, (2012) High school makerspace tools and materials . Make Magazine
2 Burke, John J, (2014) Makerspaces: A Practical Guide for Librarians. Washington, D.C. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
3 Maker Media, (2013) Makerspace playbook: School book edition . Make Magazine.
A makerspace can be embedded in an existing part of your school or stand alone. A makerspace could be in a classroom, library, shed, garden, or hallway. It could even be a pop-up or mobile makerspace. It's not about the space, but the culture and mindset that the space promotes and develops an innovation mindset.
Former principal, Stephen Lethbridge and teachers explain the development of their makerspace in 2015.
Choices of location for makerspaces vary from school to school according to resources and learning goals. Some are purpose-built for particular kinds of projects, with a permanent fit-out of equipment and tools. Others are distributed throughout the school, with multiple locations (e.g. home-economics room, music room, computer lab) co-opted towards making.
"The best makerspace is between your ears."
The school library is often the hub of the school and easily accessible by all students.
Instead of updating old desktop computers, some schools are taking advantage of BYOD capabilities. Students come and go with their laptops and iPads, allowing desks to be cleared for making.
Any classroom can be transformed into a makerspace. The furnishing in makerspace classrooms is organised in a way that allows for both collaborative and individual work.
Making outdoors is an opportunity to solve problems, innovate, and create through gardening.
"A collection of tools does not define Makerspace. Rather, we define it by what it enables: making."
Makerspaces range from the ultra high-tech "fab-lab" (small scale workshop replete with 3D printers, scanners, and laser cutters) to a classroom desk scattered with recycled materials and tools.
The tools and equipment in your makerspace's inventory depend on:
1 Joachim Cohen, (2016) Everything you need to know about makerspaces . Splash ABC.
2 Gary Stager, (June 10, 2014) "Gary Stager’s Full ASCD Interview About Making.” Stager-to-Go (blog). June 10, 2014
3 Maker Media, (2013) Makerspace playbook: School book edition . Make Magazine.
"At the heart of the maker movement is this mashing together of traditionally siloed areas. Art, technology, design, music, film, science all come crashing together in the maker movement."
Mark Osborne
Stephen Lethbridge (former principal of Taupaki School) and students explain how they solve real problems during learning. (Filmed September 2015)
The types of learning and creating that can be done in a makerspace are limitless.
Build a morse code virtual radio using a Raspberry Pi microcomputer, morse tapper key, speakers, and some jumper wires.
Similar lesson plans are available with coding instructions at .
Key Skills: Circuitry, electronics, coding, digital fluency, STEM, problem-solving.
Interdisciplinary potential: This lesson could add authenticity to a history project about war-time communications.
Students learn about an object they are researching (e.g. planet earth, the sun, a plant, the pyramids, a body part) by creating a 3D-printed model of it.
Students print parts needed to build an object e.g. a movable robot that is controlled through coding.
Key Skills: CAD design, maths, art, engineering, fabrication.
Interdisciplinary potential: all subject areas.
Use mobile apps to code a programmable robot like sphero , cubelet , or dash and dot so that it emulates human emotions or character traits through its movements and behaviour.
Key Skills: Coding, literacy, performance, programming, digital fluency.
Interdisciplinary potential:This activity would suit a drama or literacy focus exploring character development, or a lesson exploring key concepts in psychology.
Challenge students to solve a problem in your school using cardboard.
Key Skills: design, problem-solving, collaboration
Interdisciplinary potential: art, design, maths, technology
Teachers at Taupaki School explain how their makerspace encourages students to collaborate. (Filmed September 2015)
MakerED p ublications
Makerspace resources and programming ideas
60+ makerspace ideas for education
The most important benefits of maker education are neither STEM skills nor technical preparation for the next industrial revolution. Though these benefits may accrue along the way, the most salient benefits of maker-centered learning for young people have to do with developing a sense of self and a sense of community that empower them to engage with and shape the designed dimension of their world.
1Agency by Design. (2015). Maker-centered learning and the development of self: Preliminary findings of the agency by design project . Harvard Graduate School of Education
2Kurti, S. R., Kurti, D. L. & Fleming, L. (2014). The Philosophy of Educational Makerspaces. Teacher Librarian.
Filter by: Collaborative learning Collaborative tools Future-focused learning Secondary Video conferencing Pasifika Inclusion Community engagement Whānau engagement
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High school makerspace tools and materials
A comprehensive guide for schools and teachers looking to establish makerspaces in this US publication from Make Magazine. Prices of tools and equipment are in American dollars.
Makerspace playbook: School book edition
An in-depth guide on school makerspaces from Make Magazine.
Information on tools, projects ideas, and research on makerspaces. MakerED is a non-profit organisation devoted to making and youth empowerment.
A national network of people interested in community, new-digital literacy and/or making and learning in New Zealand.
Makerspace technology recommendations for businesses and classrooms.
Sign up to to join the Makerspace list and connect with makers around the world.
High school makerspace tools and materials
A comprehensive guide for schools and teachers looking to establish makerspaces in this US publication from Make Magazine. Prices of tools and equipment are in US dollars.
Guide for educators wanting to incorporate microprocessors and coding into their practise
Rasberry Pi in education (weblinks and resources)
Resources for incorporating the Raspberry Pi into lessons.
Ideas and guides for using Makey Makey in the classroom.
Web resources and lesson ideas for using 3D printing to enhance learning.
Web site specialising in user-created do-it-yourself projects. A source of inspiration and know-how for making.
Makerspace: Highlights of select literature
Steve Davee, Lisa Regalla, and Stephanie Chang conduct a thorough review of the research available on makerspaces in education.
Mark Osborne outlines why maker culture is one of the 10 trends in education.
Makerspaces in the school library environment
The benefits of setting up a makerspace in your school library, a publication by Megan Daley and Jackie Child.
Everything you need to know about makerspaces
Joachim Cohen gives an update on what's happening in schools in Australia and around the world.
Gary Stager’s Full ASCD Interview About Making
Makerspace thinker, Gary Stager discusses the maker mind-set.
The pedagogical benefits of makerspaces are discussed in this Harvard Graduate School of Education research.
Report outlining how two teachers set up a Makerspace and developed an action research project with the support of the CORE Education eFellowship.