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e-Learning enables learning opportunities to be tailored to students’ individual needs and interests, improving achievement and engagement.

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Tāhūrangi is the new online curriculum hub for Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | Ministry of Education.

Planning an ILE? Learn how to create an environment where teaching and learning is collaborative.

How do we foster citizens that understand the rights and responsibilities of inhabiting the online world?

Like the range of apps available in a smartphone app store, students are making apps that vary in purpose and audience.

How can digital technologies help students connect and collaborate? Explore how to equip them for the world they live in.

Communication skills are developed as students put different media together to develop a story for an audience.

Gamification involves turning the learning process, as a whole, into a game. Find out how to get started.

Coding helps students develop systematic reasoning, problem-solving, and communication skills.

A makerspace can be any space where students and teachers come together to model, invent, tinker and build.

Virtual reality (VR) can be a powerful tool in supporting STEM (Science, Tech, Engineering and Maths) education.

QR codes are a way to provide a connection to a resource. At their best, QR codes expand the learning experience.

An online game for creating structures in a virtual environment. Find out how it can be used to engage students.

He whakaahuatanga nō ngā kura, he tauira hoki ngā mahi tautoko i ngā pouako ki te whakapakari āheinga ako-e.

Universal Design for Learning is a set of principles for curriculum development that give all equal opportunities to learn.

Technologies can make it easier to provide relevant and meaningful connections to students’ communities and aiga.

Student using an ESOL website to learn maths

Integrating digital technologies helps learners acquire a second language, and enhances motivation and confidence.

Information and practical examples to transform your teaching through deliberate use of digital technologies.

Use digital technologies to support your ākonga in English learning. Explore these tools, inspiration and ideas.

How do you purposefully plan to use e-learning in your maths programme? How to use digital tools to teach maths.

How are you using e-learning in your social sciences programme? Use digital technologies to offer different perspectives.

In what ways are you using ICT to add to the artistic process, rather than just showcasing the product?

Information, support, and techniques for studying NCEA. Share these with your students as they prepare for exams.

What is an e-Portfolio? What are the benefits for students and their whānau? Tools and information to get you started.

What is digital fluency? How well can your students use digital technologies to achieve desired learning outcomes?

STEM/STEAM applies maths, science, and technology content to solve real-world problems through hands-on learning.

Make lessons available for students to access from home or school. How to flip your classroom and personalise learning.

In teaching, the goal is always improved learner outcomes. Explore information and tools to connect you with others.

How can you use technologies to build the school curriculum around the learner and more flexibly meet learners’ needs?

Driven by students' curiosity about the world. Enquiry encourages connection, co-operation, and collaboration.

Robotics supports learning with a focus on problem finding, and then problem solving. Find out how to get started.

Students learn to address challenges that are real to them and their lives. Digital technologies can support this process.

Digital technologies (DT) have been introduced to the revised technology learning area. How will it affect you?

Design thinking develops students’ creative confidence. It connects real world problem-solving with learning.

Games are great learning opportunities. They offer defined rules, clear objectives, and multiple solutions to a problem.

E whakaatu ana a Tammy Gardiner rāua ko Marama Reweti-Martin i tētahi ara whakarite, kawe hoki i ngā pakirehua kaiako angitu.

Digital technologies support collaboration, where students share their learning with you and their whānau.

Digital technologies remove barriers to learning and communication, and provide students with access to the curriculum.

Integrate digital technologies into reo Māori learning. Consider how different tools develop aspects of the reo.

What kinds of learning do young people need in order to engage with science in the future? Explore these ideas and tools.

e-Learning presents many opportunities to support teaching and learning in languages. Explore some tools and ideas.

How could you rethink health and PE planning to incorporate digital technologies so that they support learning and teaching?

e-Learning tools enable you to easily gather and share assessment information in ways that advance the learning of students.

Agency is the power or capacity to act and make choices. Find out how digital technologies can enable your learners.

Examples of effective classroom practice using digital technologies for learning and teaching. Browsable by category.
