Digital Stories are multimedia movies that combine photographs, video, animation, sound, music, text, and often a narrative voice. Digital stories may be used as an expressive medium within the classroom to integrate subject matter with existent knowledge and skills from across the curriculum. Students can work individually or collaboratively to produce their own digital stories. Once completed, these stories can easily be uploaded to the Internet and can be made available to an international audience, depending on the topic and purpose of the project.
Roland, C. (2006). Digital stories in the classroom . School Art, 105 (7), 26.
Learning by telling digital stories is fun and creative. As students create stories, they learn to research while analysing and synthesising a wide range of content. Communication skills are developed as students learn to organise their ideas, ask questions, express opinions, and construct narratives. Students learn to put different pieces of media together in order to develop an effective story for an audience.
Students who are learning English as a second language have found benefits in digital storytelling. Retelling and creating their stories supports their oral language development.
When digital stories are published online, students are sharing their work with an authentic audience, including their peers. This provides opportunities for feedback, and learning through the examples of others. Digital storytelling appeals to students with diverse learning styles and fosters collaboration with students working in groups.
Bridget Harrison, a teacher at Kimi Ora Community School, shares how she scaffolded the writing process for her students through creating digital stories.
Grow Waitaha DigiAwards foster authentic learning through digital creativity. This entry Te Waka O Tama Rēreti from Bromley School was 2019 overall runner-up.
Key resource
Examples, resources, and ideas for integrating digital storytelling into the classroom.
Digital storytelling
Resources for digital storytelling and multimodal literacy from Stony Brook University.
The Center for Digital Storytelling in Berkeley, California developed the Seven Elements of Digital Storytelling, which are a useful starting point as you begin working with digital stories.