A blog is a website where authors regularly add text, photos, audio, and links. It is often likened to a journal. Readers can usually add comments. Blogs can be published by classes, groups, or individuals, and are great for students to record the development of projects and reflect on their learning. Blogging is the adding of new material to a blog.
Nic Mason, a teacher at Russell Street School , and his students describe the process, some of the tools, and the learning they gain through creating blog posts.
A blog can be a useful tool to extend learning opportunities for students. Potential benefits include:
Find out more about using a blog as an e-Portfolio »
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An up-to-date list of free blogging sites and platforms and information on choosing the right platform for you.
Ewan McIntosh talks about developments in formative and individualised assessment in Scotland, and encourages the use of blogs as online learning logs.
Blogging and the key competencies
Supporting school leaders and teachers as they introduce and deepen their understanding of key competencies for learners.
Student blogs: How online writing can transform your classroom
An ebook covering planning and integrating blogging into your curriculum, preparing students, fostering students as writers, understanding copyright, and assessment using blogs.
Increasing engagement through Blogger
Find out how students improved their writing ability and their understanding of assessment standards through the use of blogging.