Duration: 2:15
Teachers and students at Finlayson Park school share how using technologies is benefitting student learning in the classroom. They describe the flexibility it provides for learning and some of the websites they use for teaching te reo and tikanga Māori.
It’s more hands on for them and they’re capable to learn and improve their skills, by learning. They’re quick, they’re very quick to pickup the different skills that they’re learning. So for myself, I totally believe that technology can improve and utterly help my students enhance their learning abilities to where they can access prior knowledge and then bring it out into all the technologies that’s available for them today.
Yeah, well it allows a lot of flexibility in terms of children can learn anywhere at anytime. We’re not constrained to the four walls of the classroom, especially our Māori children, they love to learn outside; they love to learn while they move.
Ehara mā ngā tamariki anake, ka um ka a ka whakaako ngā tamariki i ā mātou ngā ngā pouako hoki tēnei i te ēnei āhuatanga o te te um te a hangarau whakamōhiohio. [It’s not only for the students; the students are also able to teach us teachers different aspects of Information Technology.]
Ētahi wā ae ka mahi mātou i te um te a tētahi hōtaka mai i te Mā te reo l oh he mea pai mā rātou nā te mea ka ako rātou ētahi āhuatanga o te te reo pērā ki te whakatakotoranga o ngā rerenga korero he maha ngā mea a interactive, ngā kemu, ngā um ngā mea e hāngai atu ki te reo pērā anō ki ngā mea whaikōrero, te karanga ngā tikanga o te marae.] Sometimes we use parts of the Mā te Reo website. This is a good tool for the students as it helps in their learning of different structures of te reo Māori. There are also a lot of interactive activities and games that connect with whaikōrero, karanga, and different aspects of the Marae.
Ka taea hoki e mātou ki te pānui pukapuka me te mahi i ētahi mahi pāngarau pērā i whakarau, ngā whakawehe, ngā tāpiri me ngā tango. [We can read books, take part in maths activities like multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction.]
Ka taea mātou ki te tiki ētahi rauemi pērā i ētahi kemu me kemu hei awhi ki te ako i ā mātou ki te whakahiko i tā mātou hinengaro me te awhi i a mātou ki te tuhi kupu kia tika. [We can download resource games that stimulate our minds and help us to spell and write correctly.]