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Creating iBooks

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Duration: 2:25

Teacher, Mihi Morunga and students describe the process of creating iBooks and the benefits these have in the learning process. Once completed students can share their books with whānau.

Information Technology is an awesome tool for my students within the classroom. It stimulates their minds. It’s new for all of us. [Te Hangarau Whakamōhiohio, oh he rawe tērā um tērā mahi mō ōku tamariki o roto i te akomanga, a he mea hei whakahihiko i ō rātou hinengaro, he mea hōu mā mā mā mātou katoa.]

He maha ngā um ngā ngā mea ngā mea mā mātou te mahi um mō ngā rōpū a ētahi wā ka mahi ētahi i ngā rangahau, ētahi atu wā ka mahi rātou ō rātou mahi paipera mō te tuhituhi ka tuhi rātou ā rātou mea tuatahi kātahi ka um ka mahi rātou ō rātou mea mutunga ō rātou tuhinga. [There are a range of activities for us to do with the group. Some are able to research, others can work on their writing book, and some are able to draft and publish pieces of their writing.]

He pai mā rātou hoki te hanga i ō rātou ake mea pērā ki ngā I Books um mēnā kei a rātou ō rātou ake kaupapa ka taea rātou te hāngai atu tērā ki ō rātou pukapuka. [It is also beneficial for them to create their own things like iBooks. If they have their own topic then they are able to link that to their own books.]

Ka taea mātou ki te rapu i ngā, i ētahi mōhiohiotanga ki runga i te ipurangi mō tā mātou kaupapa. [We are able to search for information on the internet about our topics.]

Ka taea hoki mātou ki te whakaataahua i tā mātou mahi ki runga i te rorohiko me te whakatika i ō mātou kupu me te me te mahi hanga kupu ki te rapu i ngā tikanga me me ngā kupu pakehā o ētahi kupu māori. [We are also able to improve our writing, correct our spelling, and also look for meanings of māori and pakehā words.]

Ka taea hoki mātou ki te te tango whakaahua me te me te tini i te āhua o te pikitia me ka me ka taea mātou ki te tuku reta ki ētahi atu tangata o te ao. [We can take photos and change aspects of those pictures and we can also send emails to other people throughout the world.]

As work is completed the students are able to take it home to show whānau. If it is a brochure or book then they can also send it via e-mail to their whānau so they can access their work online.

Tags: English, Primary, Technology, Literacy, Writing, Cultural responsiveness, MASAM, Māori, Classroom practice, MM Teaching
