St Mary’s Catholic School in Tauranga trialled a system of online reporting using screen recording and casting. They wanted a system that supported student self-assessment and increased parents’ understanding and involvement in formative assessment.
Tags: Assessment | English | Multimedia – graphics/animation | Multimedia – video | Primary | Upper primary |
Students at Sunnybrae Normal School used Kid Pix and iMovie to record and share experiences, ideas, and information during an inquiry about kiwi conservation.
Tags: English | Science | Multimedia – graphics/animation | Multimedia – video | Lower primary | Primary |
Students at Sunnybrae Normal School in Auckland improved their literacy skills, and explored connections between oral, written, and visual language by creating digital texts.
Tags: English | Multimedia – graphics/animation | Multimedia – video | Presentation | Lower primary | Primary |
Students at Tauranga Primary School used iPads to consolidate their knowledge base, and reinforce learning intentions.
Tags: English | Mathematics and statistics | 1-1 Digital technologies | BYOD | iPads | Lower primary | Primary |
Students at Onehunga-Cuthbert Kindergarten in Auckland improved their storytelling by producing and sharing their stories with the help of animation software.
Tags: English | Multimedia – graphics/animation | Multimedia – video | Lower primary | Primary |
Students at Ashburton Netherby School used digital technologies to share aspects of their learning.
Tags: Assessment | Social sciences | Multimedia – audio/music/sound | Presentation | Lower primary | Primary |
Students at Ashburton Netherby School used digital technologies to support an inquiry focused approach to learning.
Tags: Social sciences | Student inquiry | Multimedia – graphics/animation | Presentation | Lower primary | Primary |
Students at Ashburton Intermediate in Christchurch developed an understanding of subject specific vocabulary through the use of online flashcards.
Tags: English | Science | Utilities/tools/gadgets | Primary | Upper primary |
Students at Firth Primary School in Matamata developed fluency and confidence in te reo Māori using Photo Booth.
Tags: Learning languages | Multimedia – video | Middle primary | Primary | Upper primary |
Students at St Pius X School in Auckland improved their literacy skills and their perceptions of themselves as learners through blogging.
Tags: English | Blogging | Social media | Primary | Upper primary |
Students from Melville Intermediate School used Blogger to share their development of te reo Māori and receive feedback.
Tags: Distance learning | English | Learning languages | Blogging | Social media | Primary | Upper primary |
Movie Maker is no longer available from Microsoft. For alternative video editing software see:
Students from Melville Intermediate prepared and learnt their individual mihi in te reo Māori, then created videos to share their learning using Movie Maker.
Tags: English | Learning languages | Multimedia – video | Primary | Upper primary |
Switch it! Maker 2 and Choose it! Maker 2 were used to help a 10 year old student, who was non-verbal, communicate activity choices with a single press head-switch at Kaka Street Special School.
Tags: Cross-curricular | Assistive technologies | Utilities/tools/gadgets | Lower primary | Lower secondary | Middle primary | Primary | Secondary | Upper primary | Upper secondary |
Students from Melville Intermediate helped students from neighbouring Broadlands Primary School prepare and learn a short mihi using Skype.
Tags: Distance learning | English | Learning languages | Collaborative tools | Communication | Primary | Upper primary |
Year 8 students from Ashburton Intermediate use Spiderscribe, an online mindmapping tool, to plan and organise information for report writing.
Tags: English | Interactive/thinking tools | Primary | Upper primary |
Student ownership of learning at Fairfield Intermediate School in Hamilton was supported through MyPortfolio.
Tags: Assessment | Mathematics and statistics | e-Portfolios | Primary | Upper primary |
During 2013, students at Stanley Avenue School in Te Aroha were empowered to take increased responsibility for developing their personal fitness using the utility application SportyPal.
SportyPal is no longer available. Ideas for other fitness apps are available on this list by AlternativeTo.
Tags: Health and physical education | Mathematics and statistics | Utilities/tools/gadgets | Primary | Upper primary |
Students at Somerville Intermediate School enhanced the presentation of their work about virtues using YouTube.
Tags: Social sciences | Multimedia – video | Primary | Upper primary |
Students at Somerville Intermediate School explored complex musical theory and created sophisticated musical compositions using GarageBand.
Tags: The Arts | Multimedia – audio/music/sound | Primary | Upper primary |
Students at Weymouth Primary School in Auckland deepened their understanding of mathematical strategies through creating YouTube clips explaining their their problem solving processes.
Tags: Mathematics and statistics | Multimedia – video | Primary | Upper primary |
Students at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland improved their problem solving skills and mathematical knowledge through the use of Google Forms.
Tags: Assessment | Mathematics and statistics | G Suite | Primary | Upper primary |
Students at Somerville Intermediate School developed their own dance tracks for their morning exercise programme using GarageBand.
Tags: Health and physical education | The Arts | Multimedia – audio/music/sound | Primary | Upper primary |
Students from Bayswater School created a video slideshow chronicling events in a school-wide inquiry using Animoto.
Tags: English | Multimedia – graphics/animation | Multimedia – video | Presentation | Middle primary | Primary | Upper primary |
Students used software to support formative assessment in mathematics.
Tags: Assessment | Mathematics and statistics | Utilities/tools/gadgets | Primary | Upper primary |
Houghton Valley School trialled Hāpara Teacher Dashboard and Google Apps with their senior classes over 12 months, with a vision for improving literacy learning outcomes.
Tags: English | Student inquiry | Teacher inquiry | G Suite | Learning management systems (LMS) | Primary | Upper primary |
Fendalton Open Air School teachers collected and analysed a range of data to enhance their writing programme and engage learners.
Tags: English | Teacher inquiry | Collaborative tools | Communication | Multimedia – video | Presentation | Primary |
Year one students at Lyttleton School share their learning through digital stories, which provide students, teachers, parents, and whānau with a common language to discuss relating to others and managing self.
Tags: Teacher inquiry | Communication | Lower primary | Primary |
Year 8 teachers at Breens Intermediate, carried out a collaborative inquiry focused on increasing student agency to raise student achievement in literacy, supported by the use of digital technologies.
Tags: English | Teacher inquiry | Blogging | Primary | Upper primary |
South New Brighton School teacher, Kurt Soares developed a collaborative modern learning and teaching space with his year 3-4 students.
Tags: Teacher inquiry | BYOD | Middle primary | Primary |
Porirua East schools: Cannons Creek, Windley, and Holy Family conducted an inquiry to understand and enhance impacts on learning among target students in 2015 and 2016.
Tags: Teacher inquiry | Collaborative tools | Primary |
Roydvale and Wairakei primary schools inquired into ways of helping students gain ownership over their learning. They used Timperly, Halbert and Kaser’s (2014) Spirals of Inquiry as a framework for their inquiry.
Tags: Teacher inquiry | Collaborative tools | Primary |
The year 7 and 8 teaching team at Marshland School establish a makerspace to increase engagement and enable successful learning for priority learners.
Tags: Project based learning | STEM/STEAM | Teacher inquiry | Collaborative tools | Primary |
In 2015, Muritai School incorporated the idea of becoming a STEM school into their Towards 2020 vision.
Tags: Mathematics and statistics | Science | STEM/STEAM | Technology | Primary |
Leaders at St Thomas of Canterbury College lift engagement by embedding gamification and agency into learning.
Tags: Health and physical education | STEM/STEAM | Gamification tools | Minecraft | Primary | Upper primary |
Principal, Heath Chittenden introduced the flipped learning model to Ashhurst School in 2016. This school-wide approach to learning has focused teachers and improved student learning outcomes, particularly in boys' writing.
Tags: Flipped learning | Primary |
At Te Kura o Matapihi they recognise the importance of connecting and engaging with the wider world using digital technologies. To facilitate this they employed e-learning co-ordinator, Sandy Bernholdt, who is leading STEAM learning and teaching using the new Digital Technologies | Hangarau Matahiko curriculum content.
Tags: STEM/STEAM | Primary |
Students at Frankley school design and program their own mobile apps to solve problems in the community.
Tags: Computational thinking | Design | STEM/STEAM | Technology | App development | Primary |
Can students improve their writing using digital/visual formats instead of written text? This was the focus of Renee Strawbridge's teacher inquiry.
Using documentary making as a context for learning, her class of year 6-8 students successfully developed their writing skills. Students were highly engaged, developed new understandings of presenting through film making, and built digital fluency.
Tags: English | Teacher inquiry | Technology | Writing | Multimedia – video | Primary |
Year 5 and 6 teachers trial the Gamefroot platform as a vehicle for students to learn how to create a game.
Tags: Computational thinking | Technology | Tikanga Māori | Writing | Game development tools | Gamification tools | Multimedia – graphics/animation | Lower secondary | Middle primary | Primary | Upper primary |
Te Ika Unahi Nui is a marae-based wānanga (learning programme) that was developed and trialled with students from Coastal Taranaki School at Puniho Pā, Tarawainuku marae in Okato, Taranaki.
Tags: Distance learning | Home-school partnership | Tikanga Māori | Primary |
Originally developed at Sylvia Park School, the Mutukaroa approach is designed to foster the development of fully engaged whānau who understand early years school assessment and how to use that information to support targeted learning.
Tags: Home-school partnership | Primary |
The COVID19 pandemic in 2020 meant that schools had to adapt quickly to students learning from home. At rural Newbury School, 5km from Palmerston North, this challenge presented new opportunities for teachers to engage with their students and community using technologies.
Tags: Distance learning | Home-school partnership | Communication | Primary |
Cobden School successfully used digital technologies to build on student learning during New Zealand’s COVID-19 lockdown.
Tags: Distance learning | Home-school partnership | Communication | Primary |
Students at Point England School in Auckland share their learning about the historical development of planes and engines through digital animation using Hyperstudio
Tags: Technology | Multimedia – audio/music/sound | Multimedia – graphics/animation | Presentation | Primary | Upper primary |