The Ministry of Education's website provides information on Ministry-funded PLD for schools, kura, Kāhui Ako, and clusters.
Supports are provided on the website for using the online PLD application system.
The national priorities support teachers and kaiako to provide more responsive and rich learning experiences for all ākonga and students.
English medium settings priorities | Māori medium settings priorities |
Digital fluency remains a priority for teachers and leaders in all schools and kura.
English medium settings priorities | Enabling e-learning pages |
Cultural capability |
Local curriculum design | |
Assessment for learning | |
Digital fluency |
Digital technologies implementation support tool 2020
This tool gives a model process and plan to support schools with teaching the revised Technology Learning Area. It is for school leaders, school teams, clusters of schools, and boards of trustees to help with change planning.
NZ Curriculum Online
Leading local curriculum design in the revised technology learning area (PDF, 3 MB)
This guide is for technology curriculum leaders in primary and secondary schools. The guide outlines why learning in technology is so important for students and summarises what has changed in the learning area. It describes four high-impact practices to help you design and implement a school curriculum that will enable all your students to become confident technology learners.
Raranga Matihiko | Weaving Digital Futures
As part of the Ministry of Education Digital Technologies for All Equity fund, the Raranga Matihiko programme delivers innovative digital technologies to those with limited digital learning opportunities, while increasing access to national and local exhibitions and collections.
This programme is provided at no cost to the school. The costs covered include Teacher Release Day (TRD) for one planning day, transport while visiting the museum, facilitation, and technology use.