There is always more to learn about using digital technology effectively in your teaching practice and sharing your knowledge and ideas with others.
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We are preparing to close this site as we transition to Tāhūrangi .
Tāhūrangi is the new online curriculum hub for Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | Ministry of Education.
Identify how your current practice supports the six teacher standards using e-learning examples to illustrate.
To maintain a 21st century focus teachers need to be continually learning via educationally challenging discussions.
These resources are designed to support you, and your school, in assessing and developing your e-capability.
Explore a range of resources such as PLD, coaching, mentoring and other supports to build teacher capacity.
Digital citizenship is a key component of future-focused learning. These self-paced modules are for personal or whole-staff use.
Use the Substitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition (SAMR) model, to see how technology impacts teaching.
Kei tēnei whārangi ētahi pitopito kōrero hei āwhina i tō māramatanga me tō mōhiotanga ki MMeLPF, tērā e kīia nei ko Te Rangitukutuku.
Collecting and analysing data underpins teacher inquiry. What tools are available for using data to support your learners?
Confused about what a term means in the context of the e-Learning Planning Framework? Look it up here.
Flipped PLD enables staff to access relevant information prior to the face-to-face PLD session, via online resources.
Inquiring into teaching practice enables identification of successful approaches to improving outcomes for all students.
Collaborative inquiry involves teachers working together to examine focused aspects of their educational practices.
Kei tēnei whārangi ētahi pitopito kōrero hei āwhina i tō māramatanga me tō mōhiotanga ki MMeLPF, tērā e kīia nei ko Te Rangitukutuku.
He anga Te Rangitukutuku ka tautoko i ngā kura me ngā kaiako ki te aro ki tō rātou mārama, me tō rātou mātau ki ngā mahi ako-e.