This dimension of the e-Learning Planning Framework describes new opportunities and possibilities for schools to engage with families/whānau and the wider community.
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We are preparing to close this site as we transition to Tāhūrangi .
Tāhūrangi is the new online curriculum hub for Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | Ministry of Education.
Using digital technologies enables students to personalise their learning and extend it beyond the classroom.
What are the advantages of place-based education? Explore this large collection of resources to get you started.
Invoving whānau in your digital fluency strategy means you have support at home to reinforce what is happening at school.
This guide offers schools starting points to support planning for, and getting started, using social media with their communities.
Explore how real-time reporting can foster genuine home-school partnerships, and raise student achievement.
How can technologies can be used to support deeper engagement with parents, whānau, and the school community?
Ehara i te mea ko te kura me te akomanga noa iho tēnei, e kāo. Ara anō te taiao ako i waho atu i te kura.
What makes relationships between schools and families so powerful? Learn how to connect with your Pacific communities.
Tips for teachers working with a virtual class, and lots of practical resources for setting up and getting started.