e-Competencies in action at the KidsCan Film Festival from CORE Ministry Video on Vimeo.
Duration: 2:53
At the KidsCan film festival in Nelson 70 students were put together for three days to create films. Kellie McRoberts describes students' development of e-competencies within this project. The learning from this day is taken back into schools. Kellie describes "flick it on", a collaborative way of working where students from several schools create a movie by passing it to each other. Each school is responsible for a separate task. The film is returned to the first school for final editing and cutting and sharing.
I’m in the Whakatu ICT PD cluster. Last year and this year we’ve run a KidsCan film festival. And so, we’ve taken seventy kids from seven Nelson schools and put them together for three days and let them loose on filming. So we have a day where they do a lot of learning so that’s your technological literacy - so they’re learning how to green screen, and they're learning how to storyboard, some online, some offline sorts of things - all of the skills that they’re going to need in order to make a movie over the next two days.
The e-awareness came into it because we had to make sure that we were using free source music so for copyright and all the rest of that. Media literacy - within the film festival we ran a documentary crew and so they weren’t making a movie as such they were making a movie of the movie making. So we ran our own little news team and then the kids who were involved they were out and about over the next two days. And so they were fully involved in technical literacy and digital literacy because they’re making and creating. We had children from year zero to year eight involved in the project so a range of projects that they came up with we had Photostory animation and movie. It just kind of showed me that to run any kind of e-learning project and if you run it through those e-competencies then you’re really kind of making sure that you’re hitting all of the parts of the e-competencies.
I guess the one that I didn’t mention was informational literacy. Within the film festival the kids had to do quite a lot of brainstorming before they started filming and find resources online some of them had to do a little bit of work like that.
But the film festival follow on was really when it started to "hit its straps" so at the end of that we’ve developed something that we’ve called "flick it on." That’s where the kids go back into the schools and they start a movie but no sound. And then they pass it to another school and that school puts the voice-over in. Then they pass it to another school that school puts the music in. They pass it back to the start school and they do the final editing and cutting.
So all the skills and the competencies that they developed at the film festival then went back into the classroom and not just the kids from the film festival - then the other children in the classroom and the project became just bigger - hilarious. So we had some absolutely amazing films and results out of that. So, yeah, e-competencies in action, I’m really liking it.