Geocaching was used at Papatoetoe High School to strengthen students’ "learning to learn" capabilities, and deepen teachers’ understandings of effective teaching.
Tags: Cross-curricular | Health and physical education | Social sciences | Utilities/tools/gadgets | Lower secondary | Secondary |
Music students at St Peter’s College in Palmerston North used e-portfolios to record their reflections, compositions, and understandings.
Tags: Assessment | The Arts | e-Portfolios | Lower secondary | Secondary |
Students at Epsom Girls Grammar School improved their writing ability and their understanding of assessment standards through the use of blogging.
Tags: English | Blogging | Social media | Secondary | Upper secondary |
Students from Mount Roskill Grammar School engaged in shared learning with their peers and subject teachers for NCEA Level 3 English using MyPortfolio.
Tags: Assessment | English | e-Portfolios | Secondary | Upper secondary |
Switch it! Maker 2 and Choose it! Maker 2 were used to help a 10 year old student, who was non-verbal, communicate activity choices with a single press head-switch at Kaka Street Special School.
Tags: Cross-curricular | Assistive technologies | Utilities/tools/gadgets | Lower primary | Lower secondary | Middle primary | Primary | Secondary | Upper primary | Upper secondary |
Movie Maker is no longer available from Microsoft. For alternative video editing software see:
Students at Howick College increased their motivation to learn and their ownership of the learning process by using the multimedia tools Movie Maker and PowerPoint, and other mobile technologies.
Tags: Social sciences | BYOD | iPads | Multimedia – graphics/animation | Multimedia – video | Presentation | Secondary | Upper secondary |
Suzanne Baldwin and Lizzy Harrison, Burnside High School, addressed the needs of 13 target learners by making learner agency a core focus for their inquiry.
Tags: Teacher inquiry | Collaborative tools | e-Portfolios | Secondary |
Polyfest provided Māngere College with the opportunity to re-think curriculum planning and design to improve student achievement results for NCEA.
Tags: English | Learning languages | Science | Social sciences | The Arts | Visual arts | Multimedia – graphics/animation | Multimedia – video | Secondary | Upper secondary |
At Taita College in Wellington's Lower Hutt, learning is authentic, future-focused, multidisciplinary, and culturally responsive.
Tags: Learning languages | Mathematics and statistics | Science | STEM/STEAM | Technology | The Arts | Tikanga Māori | Secondary |
In January 2020 Orewa College trialled an integrated curriculum approach. Year 9 and 10 students no longer had timetabled specialist subjects. Instead, they designed a local curriculum in which students undertook eight topics during the year with each topic being taught by three specialist teachers. This snapshot outlines why the school took this route, how the approach was developed and the learnings from the evaluation after six months.
Tags: Cross-curricular | Lower secondary | Secondary |
Teachers at Westlake Girls High School developed a STEAM programme teaching science, technology, engineering, arts (including social studies), and mathematics in an integrated way rather than as discrete subjects.
Tags: Cross-curricular | Design thinking | STEM/STEAM | Secondary |
At Wellington High School, students in years 11 and 12 are treated as a single cohort for mathematics. They have moved to a flipped learning approach.
Tags: Flipped learning | Mathematics and statistics | Secondary |