Duration: 2:10
In this video Kathe Tawhiwhirangi gives an explanation of the Māori Medium e-Learning Planning Framework, the name Te Rangitukutuku and its five dimensions being: Taiao ako, Kanohi mataara, Te ako, Whanake ngaiotanga, and Te hangarau, te tūāpapa.
Kathe Tawhiwhirangi
Tēnā tātou katoa, ko Hikurangi te maunga, ko Waiapu te awa, ko Ngāti Porou te iwi, ko Kathe Tawhiwhirangi ahau.
The Māori Medium e-Learning Planning Framework, now known as Rangitukutuku, is a whole school self review framework to gauge the e-capability across your kura.
The rangi in this instance talks about the holistic approach that the five dimensions will bring together as you progress forward. The tukutuku, as in our marae, that each have a different story to tell highlights the unique journey each kura will undertake.
Rangitukutuku comprises of five dimensions. Taiao ako, the connecting of our whānau. Kanohi mataara, talks about our leadership. Te ako is around our teaching and learning. Whanake ngaiotanga, is around the professional learning of our kura and lastly Te hangarau, te tūāpapa which is around the infrastructure and technologies.
Once your kura have positioned themselves on Rangitukutuku, you now have the ability to inform your strategic direction, look at whole school e-capability development, and most importantly ensuring that our tamariki have access to improved e-learning opportunities.
Also in using Rangitukutuku our kaiako have the opportunity to utilise this as individualised teacher as inquiry professional development.
The hard copy version of Rangitukutuku is downloadable from the Enabling e-Learning website and also will be linked from the Te Marautanga o Aotearoa site.
Our challenge to you is, are the tamariki in your kura being prepared for their future in the 21st century learning environment? What does that look like in your kura? What are your measures and success indicators? In other words can you afford not to consider Rangitukutuku? Kia kaha.