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Developing confident, skilled thinkers, and communicators

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Duration: 2:2

Principal, James Petronelli explains Clearview School's collaborative learning approach operates links back to their school vision. When creating their vision, they considered important competencies and values for year 8s to have in preparation for high school. The students understand and can talk about the school vision. e-Learning supports the vision making learning more visible between home and school.

So, in terms of the development of our schools vision, in our mind we had an idea of what we wanted our Year 8s to leave with when they moved on to high school. We wanted them to have the confidence that when they left their primary school setting they could take everything that they’d learnt there and apply it to high school. So, skilled thinkers and communicators stepping out with confidence became the vision for Clearview Primary.

So, it was also really important for us that our children knew what the vision was, but also could talk about it and have some understanding of it as well. We live and breathe it on a daily basis. It covers everything, to the type of technology that we’ve introduced into our school. The reasons that sit behind it. The way in which our collaborative learning approach operates in our school, all links back to our vision.

So, one of the ways in which e-learning or ICT supports our vision in supporting the home and the school partnership is about making it more visible. It takes the emphasis off the child and the parent asking a direct question by introducing something else to look at. So then, instead of me going like this and going, “What did you do?”, “What did you learn?”, putting that pressure on, it’s, “Oh, let’s have a look at this device here and look at my learning on this.” So then, it’s almost like the child and the parent are together looking at the learning. To me that’s something that we’re really excited about wanting to develop further. It happens now using our blogs and Weebly's that we have. But again, one of our strategic goals now is, how do we make learning even more visible? And, that’s just one way in which ICT really supports that.

Tags: Primary, Collaborative learning, eLPF, Vision, Whānau engagement, e-Leadership
