Duration: 1:5
Technology enables access to the Internet and removes communication barriers for Wadestown School student, Renée Patete.
Student, Renée Patete:
So I’ve been using technology in the classroom probably since I first started school. Sometimes for homework, because homework is done at home, I email it to my teacher so that she gets it and then we mark it at school.
Teacher, Eseta Fuli:
I’m excited that she can access the Internet. She emails me her homework. I can email her back. It’s a great way to communicate for her and often it’ll be homework, any questions about her learning or projects.
Resource teacher vision, Karen Gilligan:
One of the things that’s been fantastic that’s happened over the last few years, because of technology and the changes in technology, is that I am basically in touch with her all the time and she can access, she can email me, or text me and ask me for things and then we’re almost immediately able to keep in contact and I can send her things.
School principal, Sally Barrett:
We, we certainly stay connected because, virtually, on a daily basis, and it’s another part of my role that I think is crucially important.