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Real-time reporting as a reflection and learning tool

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Duration: 2:26

Art teacher, Bridget Baker explains how she uses moment in time assessment, taking little snapshots to capture the children's understanding as they progress through a project. Students set a personal goal so that they are looking at how they grow as a learner. Students are given reflective questions and they document their growth in Seesaw. Bridget provides feedback using Kath Murdoch's  format identifying two strengths and something to work-on. She has found, running workshops teaching students how to reflect, very beneficial. Sending home parent information explaining what to look at and how to reflect supports engagement.

Students either use one of eight iPads or their own device. 

Bridget Baker
So I'm using moment in time assessment to capture the children's understanding as they go through a project. So as they’re going through an art project, we want to take little snapshots to gain understanding and to see layers of understanding. We're setting a personal goal so that they are looking at themselves as a learner and how they grow as a learner and then from there they will document that in the process that they are using with the project. And when we come onto Seesaw that is one of the elements that I'll get them to write about in their reflection along with the photographs of the different bits of work that show what they're doing.

So I have access to eight iPads plus also the children have their own devices that they bring in. From a logistic point of view, because I've only got the iPads so that they don't lose the photos we do it at one point in time and they will photograph it and then I will give them some key reflective questions that they'll go away and either record or write to and then it gets posted and I always put a comment on it. Often I use like two stars and a wish, one of Kath Murdoch's tools and also Sheena Cameron uses it as well. And I'll look at two strengths and a work-on. 
In the past, I've run workshops so the kids were actually taught how to reflect. And I also sent home parent information as well saying you could reflect on this you could look at this. This is how you could do it for your child as well and that was really beneficial.

We post it and reflect on it on SeeSaw. We then take a photo of it and write a reflective caption like what we did well and what we think we could improve on for next time. So then every time we made one we would post it and then by the end we've got all our posts so you can see our entire journey.

Stephen Eames
Students, students need to have success, they need to see success and they need to see those little incremental indicators of progress through these moments in time the kids are always at a celebratory stage they're always showing those little bits of celebrations or little bit of successes. They’re also celebrating some of the processes and the programs that are going on, some of their failures and some of their hurdles. From that student point of view they're capturing their learning in action.

Bridget Baker
The benefits that I see are, the children are getting real time feedback. Feed forward we call it because it's during the process, feedback is at the end. That real time is really really important. Because we're doing it during the process we're looking for feed forward so they can actually action it when they go into their projects. We're always looking to learn from our mistakes and modifying and recreating to better get the benefits that transfers into any area of the curriculum.

Tags: Primary, Real-time reporting
