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NetSafe - Learn Guide Protect

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Duration: 2:42

Sean Lyons, from NetSafe, explains the Learn Guide Protect (LGP) website. LGP is intended to support schools in developing a culture of digital citizenship by providing information and resources for teachers and students in their learning around what it is to be a digital citizen. Sean explains the three layers making up the website and their specific purposes. 

NetSafe have developed, what is it, basically a theoretical framework called Learn Guide Protect, which is intended to help support schools to develop a culture of digital citizenship and support teachers and students in their learning around what it is to be a digital citizen.  The idea behind Learn Guide Protect is that the things that are required to do that are divided across three kind of broad areas.

The Learn area are the things that are student facing, are directly related to students, the things that students, the things that students need to learn implicitly.

The Guide layer is understanding that important part of that process are those that guide learners, speaking largely about teachers and parents and that they have an understanding of what it is to be a digital citizen themselves as well as ways in which they can support learning.

The Protect layer are all the things that fit, I guess, externally to either the learners or the guides. So thinking about for a school its not only policy and rules and regulations but also how they develop a digital citizenship culture across their school and also the technical requirements to keep digital citizens safe inside a school environment.

MyLGP is a kind of online manifestation of that theoretical framework. So it’s a website or a series of web tools that allow schools that are interested in using that theoretical framework to provide digital citizenship support for students, for teachers, and for the wider community.

It allows educators to view, to collect, and to create content around digital citizenship that they’ve done in their classroom or simply to look at what other people have done, try it out and leave comment about the content that’s there.

So we spoke to 150 educators about just how confident they felt teaching digital citizenship and teaching cybersafety. Nearly half the teachers we spoke to didn’t feel confident in assessing what young people’s cybersafety needs were and we think that’s largely due to the fact that they maybe feel like they don’t have specific guidance around what it is to be a digital citizen and how to support digital citizens in their learning journey. So hopefully myLGP and the LGP framework helps give educators a place that they can go to support themselves and those around them in that digital citizenship journey.

Tags: Primary, Secondary, Digital citizenship, Cybersafety
